Sky is a unique adventure game developed by Jenova Chen, where he emphasizes exploration and emotional expression. In the game, all players wear customizable robes and travel through the mysterious world’s storylines. They interact and share feelings with other players while enjoying beautiful visuals and musical compositions in an immersive gaming experience.
The Story
“At first, I landed from the sky to this mysterious world. The world used to be full of light, but now it is shrouded in darkness and silence.” The player's mission is to explore the world, light up ancient constellations and relics, find lost brothers and sisters while also lighting up the lost stars in order to restore the light back to the world. During the journey, you get to interact with other players that have their own eccentric robes and appearances, partner up together to solve problems, and gradually unravel the story of this mysterious world.
Unlike other games, when playing Sky, you do not need to choose your character’s gender, instead, it makes sure that you can let all your creativity flow to create your perfect Sky child. In your journey, you will regularly encounter spirits. Spirits provide valuable guidance as mentors for your adventure and, during seasonal events, each spirit offers unique quests and rewards for the players. At first you won't be able to see what other players look like, thus only when you're close to each other and raise the candles, can the heart fire illuminate the other's appearance. If you decide to become friends, one of you would need to get down on one knee to give each other a “candle” to register as friends. You also get to play musical instruments in the game, like the guitar, piano, trumpet, violin and many more to enhance your experience!
What do you have to do?
The main purpose in Sky is to collect candles, that reset every day, in order to redeem items from your spirits. It's a laid-back game that you can play for as long as you want. I enjoy playing Sky because I get to play together with my friends and we always collect candles together, exploring new places, etc. I greatly recommend playing Sky.